Boulevard Heine

Quarter of Arts and Skilled Crafts

Boulevard Heine: A wide street lined with tall trees, a diverse hustle and bustle teeming with life.

It is a constantly variable place of culture, with the most diverse facets, polis and theatron, work and leisure, (show) windows and frames. It is the aorta of neighborhood life. Today, Karl-Heine-Straße is the center of Leipzig West between Zschochersche Straße and König Albert Brücke – the Boulevard Heine.

The industry district, which was dominated by active smoke stakes before 1990 and then by forbidding emptiness for a long time, has become a lively location for culture, craftsmanship, and art. The transformation began in 1993 with the founding of the Schaubühne in the forgotten suburban movie theater Lindenfels carried out by a handful of pioneers with a concrete vision and a lot of gumption. It took a long ten years before the changes became visible and tangible and it only succeeded because of the cooperative cultural, social and political commitment of the cultural initiatives and the people living in the area.

The recipe for success is a mixture of tenacity, creative intervention, spectacular artistic projects, and daily cultural work. Today, the street festival Bohei & Tamtam embodies this beginning. It is about maintaining the creative space that was forged and to expand, play on, and develop it further so that the district around the Boulevard Heine will be an open and culturally active location in the future.

Bohei & Tamtam and Lichtspiele des Westens celebrate and spotlight the potential and the vitality of the district. That said Boulevard Heine also lives and works apart from the gears and drums of the main street: Thanks to the many initiatives, associations, and artisan businesses, which influence and create life around Boulevard Heine throughout the year:

» The industrial quarter, which was once dominated by smoking chimneys before 1990 and then by inhospitable emptiness for a long time, has grown into a lively location for culture, craftsmanship and art production. «

Our Partners

We would like to thank all cooperation partners and supporters without whom Bohei & Tamtam would not be possible.

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